The Fourth grade came up with what I consider to be the 'deepest' of the projects. It's titled "Freedom to Fly", and it depicts a young slave reaching outward with one hand touching a star.

I approached the armature in a similar way to week 1's piece; rebar supporting the sculpture. Since the arm is outstretched with a star at its end, I made sure the rebar piece was long enough to go from base all the way to wrist - for support.

With serious subject matter such as this, I thought at first maybe it would be best  for us to make the figure less 'personal', with much in terms of facial features. But, as we went on, It just seemed right to give the figure some 'life'. Adding features like eyes, nose and ears also gave me a chance to show the students what was possible with the medium of papier mache'.

My thanks to the Teachers: Nick Shultis, Jodi Straub and Lisa Shirkey.

"The Lakeshore Lion"

See also:

week 1: "When pigs Fly"

Week 2: "Where Eagles Soar"

Week 3: "Flight of the Kitty Hawk" & "Rocket to the Stars"

Week 4: "Up, Up and away" and "Dragon Kite"








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